Friday, December 12, 2008

Review Hiragana, Part 1

Let's have a review: (Try each part without looking back) If you can't get all of then in the first try, go back an review some more. Remember, we want to know the hiragana like we know abc's.

Part 1: Pronounce the following hiragana:

1. か 11. さ
2. し 12. せ
3. お 13. く
4. う 14. あ
5. す 15. け
6. そ
7. え
8. い
9. こ
10. き

Part 2: Write the hiragana for each:

1. ke 11. u
2. a 12. ka
3. e 13. ke
4. shi 14. sa
5. so 15. se
6. ki
7. i
8. o
9. ko
10. su

Part 3: Pronounce the following and write the romanji: (Note, these may not be real japanese words, although I think the first one means "no")

1.  いいえ
2.  あこし
3. かそくう
4. きうさ
5. うえあう
6. こおしか
7. いかしい

Once we have these down pat, we are going to learn 15 more hiragana!

Answer to part 3:

1. iie
2. akoshi
3. kasokuu (Note the extra u just makes it longer)
4. kiusa
5. ueau
6. kooshika
7. ikashii

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